In scientific jargon, TPO translates to Thermoplastic Polyolefin. It is categorized as a layer of a single-ply membrane composed of synthetic components along with a fabric reinforcing scrim that stabilizes and strengthens the membrane
for improved and increased performance.
TPO has gained considerable use with commercial roofing systems, particularly in covering flat roofs. It’s doubly sought after for its natural reflective ability to deflect ultraviolet waves (UV) while conserving energy and saving on utility costs.
How TPO is Installed
Once you prepare, clean, or remove the substrate (or the surface on which the TPO membrane is going to be affixed), put the new insulation in place. TPO Attachment/Adherence
A TPO membrane is either mechanically fastened or affixed through an adhesive that bonds to the cover board. Once the membrane has been rolled into place, the seams created are welded together with a hot-air type gun.